Details of any expenses you would need to attend should be placed on this page.
Please remember to include your name next to the information. What we need is the costs of your flight/train/car. If you do not need us to pay for the accommodation please say. Otherwise we will assume we are paying and reserve a room for you.
- David Golden (xdg) - accommodation: ??? - airfare: $1000 - train: £20
- user:ovid - train £150 - £200? accommodation (happy to kip on someone's couch)
- user:schwern - accommodation, I'm not picky - travel likely to be $1500 USD.
- Kenichi Ishigaki (charsbar) - travel likely to be $1500 USD.
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs) - accomodation: ??? - airfair/train/coach: ~$1100
version 9 saved on 19/02/13 16:27 by Mark Keating (mdk)
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