Draft projects page
Warning: this page is incomplete
Onsite logistics/gofering
- Description: Organization, logistics, coffee maker, that sort of things.
- Lead: Laurent Boivin (Elbeho)
- Contributor: Curtis Poe (Ovid): Beer
CPAN, MetaCPAN, and other *PANs
- Description: Maybe integrate work with MetaCPAN (e.g. grep a release, etc).
- Lead: David Leadbeater (dg) (dgl)
CPANTS enhancements
- Description: improve front-end
- Lead: Olivier Mengué (dolmen)
- Contributor: Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim): implement some extra metrics
CPANTS maintenance
- Lead: Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim)
CPANTS performance
- Lead: Matthew Horsfall (alh)
Support for CPAN Meta Spec v2
- Description: Patching CPAN clients to use new v2 CPAN Meta Spec categories like "test/requires", "runtime/recommended", etc.; Patching Module::Build to produce v2 CPAN Meta Spec compliant META.json files
- Lead: David Golden (xdg) (dagolden)
CPAN index data
- Description: Devising a standard way to split CPAN index data from distribution location data, allowing CPAN clients to use custom (e.g. frozen or hybrid) indices that might reference CPAN, BackPAN, or DarkPAN distribution locations for individual distributions
- Lead: David Golden (xdg) (dagolden)
CPAN bugreport workflow
- Description: Think of a way to submit bug reports and patches through CPAN so I don't have to spend 1 hour hunting for a repo or bugtracker just for a doubled or misspelled word
- Lead: Pau Amma
- Description: started at the QA hackathon 2011
- Lead: Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
CPAN Testers and CPAN Testers clients
- Description: Discussing CPAN Testers evolution or mentoring anyone interested in improving CPAN Testers clients
- Lead: David Golden (xdg) (dagolden)
Indexer-related things
- Description: following up on work done with David Golden (xdg) (dagolden) earlier this year
- Lead: Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Contributor: Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
- Contributor: brian d foy (brian d foy)
PAUSE frontend
- Description: PAUSE front-end replacement in Plack
- Lead: Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Contributor: Olivier Mengué (dolmen)
Interface improvements
- Description: more modern, more robust on subscription
- Lead: Vincent Bachelier (geistteufel)
- Contributor: brian d foy (brian d foy): complete some of my work for a PAUSE web service.
- Lead: Rafaël Garcia-Suarez (rgs)
- Possible contributors: Vincent Pit (vincent)?
- Description: explore metrics
- Lead: Olivier Mengué (dolmen)
General work on modules and tools
perl core modules
- Lead: Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue)
- Contributor: Curtis Poe (Ovid): More debugger hacks
CPAN modules
- Contributor: Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue): work on some CPAN modules
- Contributor: Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz): work on some CPAN modules
- Lead: David Golden (xdg) (dagolden): Getting feedback and agreement on the Build.PL API spec
- Contributor: Leon Timmermans (leont)
Toolchain support modules
- Description: various support modules of the 'modern' toolchain (Module::Build::Tiny, ExtUtils::XBuilder, etc…).
- Lead: Leon Timmermans (leont)'''
- Contributor: Olivier Mengué (dolmen): Module::Build::Tiny (helping Leon Timmermans (leont))
- Contributor: Vincent Bachelier (geistteufel): helping in development of perl tools
- Contributor: David Golden (xdg) (dagolden): Discussing use of configuration management tools (e.g. Chef) to manage automated Perl application deployment
- Contributor: Leon Timmermans (leont): Discuss (and maybe implement) a standard for static installers.
Conversion to dist::zilla / podweaver
- Description: convert to dist::zilla / podweaver for old tools
- Lead: Vincent Bachelier (geistteufel)
Bug fixing
perl core
- Lead: Matthew Horsfall (alh)
CPAN modules
- Contributor: Olivier Mengué (dolmen): write patches for CPAN modules for which I submitted bugs
- Contributor: Pau Amma: All these little typos and pod errors that drive me nuts
Tests, test harnesses, and test tools
- Lead: Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
Test writing for perl core
- Lead: Matthew Horsfall (alh)
- Lead: Curtis Poe (Ovid)
Test::Smoke and Test::Smoke::Gateway
- Lead: Abe Timmerman (abeltje): Finishing Test::Smoke::Gateway
- Contributor: H.Merijn Brand (Tux): Working (with Abe Timmerman (abeltje)) on Test::Smoke and finally hope to nail it to the new environment
Tests installer
- Lead: Leon Timmermans (leont): Work on tests installation.
crowdsourced perldoc translation
- Description: experiment: crowd-source perldoc translation via gettext
- Lead: Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim)
.packlists and perllocal.pod replacement
- Lead: Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
- Contributor: Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim): Act maintenance, if time permits
- Contributor: Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue): code & instances
Advice, answering questions, feedback, suggestions
- Description: Help others with questions regarding perl5 configuration. Give, hopefully useful, feedback and remarks to all questions on the other QA projects. I might even prod them with new feature requests and end-user wishes (hello Paul Johnson (pjcj) :)
- Lead: H.Merijn Brand (Tux)
Talent pool (free-floating helpers)
- Contributor: Nicholas Perez (nperez): Interested in working on just about anything.
- Contributor: Vincent Pit (vincent): Still thinking about what to do and how to do it.
- Contributor: Rafaël Garcia-Suarez (rgs): getting familiar with non-core projects
- Contributor: Xavier Caron (maspalio): Wondering about what the heck I'm gonna do out there ;^)
- Contributor: Pau Amma: Fall back to wandering semi-aimlessly in search of something to do or someone who'll let me pester them with questions
- Contributor: Andy Armstrong (AndyA): I'll do what I'm told
- Contributor: Philippe Bruhat (BooK): being a free-floating helper
- Contributor: Matthew Horsfall (alh): "Free Floating Helper"
- Contributor: Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue): anything else somepony needs help for
- Contributor: Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz): anything else somebody needs help for
- Contributor: Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy): I'll do what I'm told
- Contributor: Ricardo Signes (rjbs): Being a free-floating helper
version 4 saved on 11/02/12 17:51 by Pau Amma
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