Registered attendees, please add yourselves to categories as appropriate
Registered, sponsored
None yet.
Registered, seeking sponsorship
David Golden (xdg, dagolden)
I'm interested in working on any/all of the following things:
- Patching CPAN clients to use new v2 CPAN Meta Spec categories like "test/requires", "runtime/recommended", etc.
- Patching Module::Build to produce v2 CPAN Meta Spec compliant META.json files
- Devising a standard way to split CPAN index data from distribution location data, allowing CPAN clients to use custom (e.g. frozen or hybrid) indices that might reference CPAN, BackPAN, or DarkPAN distribution locations for individual distributions
- Discussing CPAN Testers evolution or mentoring anyone interested in improving CPAN Testers clients
Leon Timmermans (leont)
* Work on the 'modern' toolchain. This may or may not include Module::Build::Tiny, ExtUtils::XBuilder, or something else
* Work on a replacement for .packlists and perllocal.pod
* Work on tests installation.
Not registered, but ought to be invited
Suggestions welcome
None yet.
Not available or not interested
We'll miss you
None yet.
version 2 saved on 28/11/11 16:46 by Leon Timmermans (leont)
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