What is the QA Hackathon?
A free of charge coding workshop for people involved in Quality Assurance, testing, packaging, CPAN, and other projects related to quality assurance. The workshop is not necessarily exclusive to Perl projects, however, many of the attendees will be planning to work on projects that have a direct benefit to the Perl language.
This year's Hackathon will be held at the Betahaus in Berlin from April 16-19.
The Perl QA Hackathon is the next in a series of annual events, following on from successful Hackathons in:
These events were a great success for the Perl and Open Source communities, as well as the attendees.
The Perl QA Hackathon is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at: Code of Conduct
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22/02/15 Participation is limited - Please contact before registering
The space at a hackathon is limited, so we have to limit the number of attendees. We have now reached our limit, but not everyone is 100% sure if they can attend.
Please contact Tina Müller cpan2@tinita.de (in case that email doesn't work, use perlpunks at googlemail.com) if you would like to participate.