PTS 2024 Projects

Add projects below that you're thinking of working on. If you see someone else's project that you'd like to help on, add your name, but email them as well please.

Group discussions ("consensus documents") proposals

  1. Common incident response organization and plan for Perl/PAUSE/CPAN/etc. (proposed by sjn)
  2. Security contact point consolidation and/or clarification of responsibilities. (proposed by sjn)
  3. Short presentation and discussion about CPAN version normalizing (see cpanspec) Tina Müller (‎tinita‎)
  4. Succession planning template. (proposed by sjn)

CPANSec (Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎))

  • CPAN::Meta::Spec update to prepare for new EU requirements
  • Discussions on…
  • PackageURL support in CPAN::DistnameInfo
  • One-year-report presentation on the Cyber Resilience Act

Test Coverage (Paul Johnson (‎pjcj‎))

  • cpancover
    • The backend system has been down for a while due to infrastructure problems
      • Containerise the entire system to isolate it from the underlying infrastructure
      • Currently only the actual Devel::Cover run is containerised
    • Simplify development setup using above work
      • Get development and production environments looking identical
    • Continue discussions on production migration
      • Consider adding redundancy
    • Simplify and automate the process of updating perl and other dependencies
  • Devel::Cover
    • look into intermittent BSD cpants failures
    • work on existing tickets