- Thu:
- provided feedback for haarg on speeding up CPAN installs on Windows
- integrated many PPI fixes in preparation for a release
- Fri:
- prepared a near final set of commits for the next PPI release
- identified downstream problems caused by new commits
- helped abeltje with Test-Smoke on windows
- collaborated with alh on a tool to smoke reverse dependencies of a specific module
- Sat:
- decided on final set of commits for next PPI release
- fixed a bug highlighted by downstream dependencies
- searched for more downstream incompatibilities with alh and extended the new dep smoking tool
- Sun:
- Thu:
- discussed format for providing Perl 6 module test results to cpan-testers
- discussed various recommendation manager issues
- brainstormed about a new distribution format
- finished refactoring Baggy internals
- Fri:
- expanded perl6 -V output with more Perl 6 related info
- added Kernel.archname for integration with CPAN-testers
- several discussions related to Perl 6 integration with CPAN
- Sat:
- many more discussions related to zef, mi6 and the Perl 6 Toolchain
- moved perl6 -V info generation to Perl 6 land completely
- perl6 -V output sorted
- Sun:
- also provide -V info as a hash in Compiler.verbose-config
- inspected Perl 5 implementation of System::Info
- started on Perl 6 implementation of System::info using mi6
- completed macOS support for System::Info
- did *not* put System::Info in ecosystem yet
- Thu:
- Fix two problems in cpan client that caused a slowdown of a factor 100 when a module / distribution name contains a typo (with Andreas)
- Explain Sawyer correct use of CSV options
- Help Abe with getting Test::Smoke using git as intended
- Fix readdir_r usage in perl5 core, as it is deprecated since glibc-2.24
- Hand out new HP-UX and AIX account to mohawn for analysing bugs in ExtUtils::MakeMaker on AIX
- Implement Iterator as input on Text::CSV for perl6
- Fri:
- Build and test perl-5.26.0-RC1 (4 times) and report issues
- Get more internal information out of Darwin into archname (release a new System::Info)
- Discussion about the consequences of no-dot-in-inc
- Backport perl5 core configure commits to metaconfig and fix serious flaw + feedback upstream
- Communicate with Debian-folk about getting System::Info in their package system (copyright issues)
- Discuss with mohawk & arc what the implications are of "fixing" $(BASEEXT) on AIX
- Sat:
- Evaluate and feedback to Barbara
- Discussion on CPAN indexing
- Release process of perl6 modules to CPAN (Release the perl6 version of Text::CSV)
- Discussion on CPAN quality
- Merge metaconfig/dist improvement from upstream to perl realm
- Merge a solution discussed with Paul for coverage of *optional* modules on cpancover. Alter Spreadsheet::Read to test that and release
- Discuss kwalitee metrics with ether
- Sun:
- Devel::PPPort discussion (very!!! useful)
- Talk mohawk through last set of AIX problems
- More System::Info work
- Merge Test::Smoke tickets to System::Info
- Test new Devel::PPPort on 117 versions of perl
- Test new version of Test::Smoke
- Dig into g++ fail on perl5 blead
- Explain Config::Perl::V to garu
- Check if Devel::Platform::Info functionality can be merged into System::Info
- Beer
ingy, tinita
- Thu:
- Copied current code to YAML::Old and released YAML::Old 1.23
- Started to make only delegate to YAML::Old
- Fri:
- Released 1.23_001
- Talked about new API for YAML backends
- Sat:
- Talked about new Loader API
- Got a working Loader in (not released, only on github so far)
- Usage (for now): use YAML 'yaml'; yaml()->load($yaml)
- Using:
- YAML::API (YAML distribution)
- YAML::PP::Parser (YAML-PP)
- YAML::Perl::Loader (formerly YAML::PP::Loader) (YAML-Perl)
- Started to write a YAML::Perl::Dumper with Inline::C and libyaml
- Talked to tony++ about the idea to write a Perl 6 libyaml loader
- And then he just wrote it
- Sun:
- Prepared YAML::Perl for CPAN and released 0.11
- Continued writing the libyaml Dumper
- Thu:
- Split Ref::Util into PP/XS dists, with assistance from Sawyer++ ether++ haarg++
- Answered a couple of Perl 5 questions
- Investigated Catalyst deps under Travis builds
- Thu:
- Merged a number of pull requests
- Closed a number of tickets
- Released Devel::Cover 1.25
- Had some interesting discussions about thorny Devel::Cover problems
- Found out how to type a tilde on a Swiss German Mac keyboard (Alt-N Space)
- Fri:
- Looked at problems associated with programs changing their environment whilst running under Devel::Cover
- Discussed integration of cpancover into metacpan with Ranguard and Olaf
- Improved and documented setup of a cpancover server
- Installed local metacpan environment using automation provided by Lee and Leo
- Fix or otherwise dealt with a number of tickets
- Failed to work out how to consistently copy and paste text in iTerm2, tmux and neovim
- Sat:
- Set the $EXTENDED_TESTING environment variable in cpancover
- Documented further the cpancover environment
- Worked on making the more of a proper production server
- Wondered why Europe doesn't seem ready for Romanian yodel rap
- Sun:
- Talked with Aaron about how to cover top-level statements in modules
- Talked with Olaf and Joel about implementing a job queue for cpancover
- Attended the PTS retrospective
garu, preaction, jberger
- Thu:
- defined a new format for CPAN Testers' reports API that's simpler, forward compatible and that allows us to submit reports for Perl 6 distributions as well as Perl 5 (or any other language, for that matter)
- started the backend port to support the new format and convert data from the old database to the new one
- Fri:
- continued CPAN Testers backend work to convert old format submissions to the new format
- submitted first (new format) reports to the live endpoint, in both Perl 5 and Perl 6
- worked with ugexe++ on a plugin for zef (perl6's distribution installer) that submits reports to CPAN Testers
- worked with lizmat++, nine++, tadzik++, tony++ on requirements for Perl 6 reports
- worked with skaji++ on what would be the most interesting API for cpanm to better support next generation test report submissions
- worked with tux++, haarg++, leont++ on archname issues regarding OS X (and general archname, flat namespace issues)
- finished a Test2 hook prototype to provide a LOT more information on the reports, including structured data for each executed test - which will allow fine-grained report analysis
- Sat:
- continued work on porting new reports back to the old metabase format for backwards compatibilities and to make new reports part of the current toolchain
- made some semantic changes to the report format before going live
- began porting client code to the new format
- reviewed CPAN::Testers::Common::Client to include extra information on reports
- more updates with ugexe++ and lizmat++ to better integrate Zef::Reporter into Zef
- Sun:
- finished moving CPAN::Testers::Common::Client code to the new format (still unreleased)
- finished refactoring App::cpanminus::reporter to use it, and started working on a new version that will (optionally) hook cpanm internally instead of parsing build.log as an external process.
- worked with skaji++ on which data should be incorporated to cpanm's build.log output to improve debugging of failed tests, in particular regarding environments with several different perl versions (e.g. plenv/perlbrew)
- several server side adjustments to ensure proper parsing and processing of new reports.
- triage of PAUSE hit-list with Andreas, to agree priorities for the summit
- (re)learned how to write PAUSE tests
- reproduced a security issue in PAUSE
- raise some tickets on EUMM with ideas that came out of digging in dist metadata
- discussion on CPAN::DistnameInfo and tarball naming edge-cases with Todd, Mickey, Karen, and Sawyer
- Released Perl 5.26.0-RC1
- Released Ref::Util::XS
- Worked on Ref::Util (and Ref::Util::PP) with arc, ether, and haarg
- Wrote blog post about all of this (on "Blogs" in the wiki)
- Created instagram account:
- Discussion on CPAN::DistnameInfo, CPAN indexing, CPAN Distribution Qaulity, future summits, disclosure policy on security issues
- Rewrote the Perl 5 Release Managers Guide generator script
- Worked on a prototype for frontend, api, git repo:
- Thu:
- Worked on bug on PAUSE that affected permission system together with Peter, Graham and Neil
- Worked on bug in cpan script regarding -x switch together with Tux
- Encouraged charsbar to continue his idea to rewrite PAUSE as a Mojolicious server
- Fri:
- Received and applied refactoring pull request from Ed Mohawk
- Setup smokers for 5.26.0-RC1
- continuing triaging PAUSE stuff
- Sat:
- deployed the security fixes on live pause
- accepted more pull requests from Peter for PAUSE testing harness
- participated in group discussion "Potential new constraints" about going forward with stricter requirements on cpan uploads: pros and cons; defining our positions
- helping perl6 module upload mechanism with code for the PAUSE daemon to discover perl6 tarballs that have not been uploaded into a Perl6/ directory (together with nine)
- participated in the group discussion "What happened to DBIC" about governance model, permissions structure
- Sun:
- discussed another issue with Dot in INC with Slaven, Aristotle, Leon, and Chris
- discussed PAUSE mini-issues with charsbar
- Thu:
- Launched new design for (babs did all the work)
- Discussed and setup env for with toddr and atoomic
- Got Pete to start updating metacpan's vm
- Helped Haarg test and deploy a shim so `cpanminus` clients now use new metacpan api (even though they hit the old API), done using fastly user agent detection and a new site just for this back compat that haarg has written.
- Discussion on metacpan v0 depreciation with haarg
- Start of discussion on improving search
- Friday:
- Discussed cpancover infrastructure with pjcj and metacpan is going to at least take a backup of the reports, but may do other things later.
- Got Lee to help setup the metacpan VM fully, I also downloaded supporting files to usb so can setup more people quickly
- Discussed cpanratings with several people - Lee to work on something tomorrow
- Installed metacpan VM on pjcj, abeltje and start of bab's laptops
- Refactored metacpan search to clarify exactly what is going on
- Started on refactoring mc search to use new query (which will make improving the results easier... next couple of days project)
- Clean up of a few puppet bits for dev boxes
- Helped deploy various bits on metacpan
- Discussions about Swagger interface for some metacpan end points
- Saturday:
- Lots of time on the metacpan search code refactor
- Setting up sysadmin stuff
- Initial review of cpancover backup stuff with pjcj
- Sunday
- Got a pull request in for the search refactor
- Discussed Meta::Hack
- Thu:
- Research about external dependencies and build systems
- Started writing a META2SPEC script for Perl 6 distributions
- Fri:
- Discussion about external dependencies and build systems with ugexe and tony-o
- Establishment of an attack plan
- Finished META2SPEC script
- Sent pull requests for all distributions with missing or wrong source-url in the META6.json
- Started writing Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON
- Added builder support to bundled with rakudo
- Converted the first of 47 using dists to Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON
- Participated in the discussion about perl without dot in @INC
- Sat:
- Converted all of the remaining 46 using dists to Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON
- Added support for decisions based on environment variables to System::Query
- Published Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON in the module ecosystem
- Did the preliminary research for fixing PAUSE to put Perl 6 dists in the right subdirectory automatically.
- Reviewed ANDK's fixes to PAUSE for Perl 6 dists.
- Sun:
- Nailed down the META spec for native dependencies with ugexe
- Dusted off synopsis 22, updated the most glaringly outdated parts and added the new specs for native dependencies.
- Wrote a patch for PAUSE to automatically update a Perl 6 dist's source-url in the META6.json to point to the uploaded tar ball.
- Participated in the discussion about how to run the Perl Toolchain Summit
- Thu:
- released B::Hooks::OP::Check (x2) (. in @INC fix)
- released Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub (undef warning)
- sent (dzil improvements)
- sent (dynamic prereq)
- released Test::Kwalitee (handling of *_TESTING environment variables)
- acquired comaint on, and released, Mac::SystemDirectory (x3) (. in @INC fix)
- released Context::Preserve (. in @INC fix)
- Fri:
- discussion re distribution name, uniqueness, versions etc (Todd, Mickey, Andreas, Graham)
- shipped new distribution Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EnsureLatestPerl
- released Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EnsureLatestPerl (environment variable override)
- filed (new kwalitee metric)
- no . in @INC meeting/discussion
- mail sent to ADAMK requesting comaint of his stuff
- fixed (Makefile bug)
- sent (placement of distmeta test)
- relesed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Contributors, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (bad yaml encoding on older perls)
- shipped Data::Dumper::Concise (. in @INC fixes, other bug fixes)
- more discusson of the treatment of tarball filenames and how our ideals do not match reality (Neil, Todd, Graham, Mickey)
- started on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UseUnsafeInc
- Sat:
- discussion re distribution name, PAUSE indexing etc (many people)
- released Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EnsureLatestPerl (environment variable override)
- filed tickets to add support for x_use_unsafe_inc metadata in cpan clients:
- CPAN (
- App::cpanminus (
- completed and released new Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UseUnsafeInc (sets x_use_unsafe_inc metadata variable)
- released Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EnsureLatestPerl (fixed prereqs)
- DBIx-Class ownership discussion
- discussions with Graham, Chris about Module::Load etc
- Sun:
- discussions with Sawyer, Chris, Aaron, Graham etc about dual-life modules, maintenance policies etc
- fixed up Moose .xs and .h code for better ppport.h compatibility and compliance (with many thanks to Tux for enlightentment and assistance)
- filed (how to get code execution into t/00-report-prereqs.t, so that we can include the versions of various JSON backends etc)
- sent (run ppport.h in at distribution build time to get suggested improvements)
- started dzilifying PPI distribution...
- Thursday
- added dist_version field to the 02packages.details new index type
- added a new endpoint packages/modules/DIST to list modules per dist (for Olaf)
- added a new endpoint release/contributors (moved code from WEB)
- discussed 02packages.details parsing with ToddR
- Friday
- discussion w/ToddR, NeilB, ether about dist versions in PAUSE/02packages
- added a new endpoint /release/files/RELEASE?files=FILE1,FILE2,.... (for Olaf)
- released MetaCPAN-Client-2.013001 to support 02packages endpoint changes (name and extra fields)
- released MetaCPAN-Client-2.014000 with a fix for a reported bug & support for the release/contributors API endpoint
- created a new script for indexing 3rd party package name mapping (Debian) for book
- changed the contributors endpoint to work for author/release rather than latest dist
- worked with haarg on switching WEB to use new contributors endpoint
- Saturday
- tools improvement: added logging info to the mapping script
- added mapping for distribution/external_party/debian to the production index
- improved script for Debian packages mapping & ran manually (initial data fill)
- deleted data from 'packages' type in production (old type before renaming)
- discussion 1: Distributions names/versions handling and indexing in PAUSE
- discussion 2: DBIC aftermath
- Sunday
- added cleanup mode for 06perms index script
- added cleanup mode for 02packages.details index script
- released MetaCPAN-Client-2.015000 with support for 'main_module' field in the Release object
- worked with w/book on refactoring the Debian script to a role used by a new External script (to allow easy adding of new sources)
- planning for cover data indexing
- discussion w/NeilB, ToddR & Olaf about a new clean 02packages file in PAUSE
- discussion about PTS process & future
- discussed historical perms data storing/finding
- discussed meta::hack 2 planning
- Fri
- Brainstorming over native dependency dependency resolution and fulfillment.
- Discussion about integrating CPAN testers into zef.
- Update zef's reporter branch to allow the plugin architecture to provide the reporting logic.
- Tweak zef's META6 parsing of depends to allow for hashes instead of a string, future proofing against a situation where we need a multi-level hash structure that can't be represented by the string format we normally use.
- Sat
- Stub out garu's Zef::Reporter plugin with code for submitting to p6c testers so they can just refactor the report structure to work with cpan testers.
- Add build pass/fail and build results output to test report in Zef::Reporter.
- Discussed adding additional phase pass/fail and results (configure, install, unknown)
- Fix zef bug when using curl in osx that resulted in corrupted archive.
- Thu
- Worked on exposing 06perms on the MetaCPAN front end
- Spoke with Paul and Leo about tighter integration of into MetaCPAN
- Fri
- Went live with 06perms on the MetaCPAN front end
- Wrote blog post to get the word out about this new feature
- Worked with Babs and Neil on design improvements for 06perms
- Released a new Net::HTTP which consisted of a patch from Shoichi Kaji
- Fixed show less/show more copy for large Changes files
- Sat
- Wrote unit tests for the new MetaCPAN search in API endpoint
- Sped up Travis builds on the MetaCPAN back end front end
- Build times are now in the 5-10 minute range, down from 30-40 minutes
- Added meta::hack sponsors to MetaCPAN sponsors page
- Got a pull request merged which fixes a bug that showed user favorites for modules which had been deleted
- Sun
- Worked on making MetaCPAN build logs less noisy
- Spent time with Leo troubleshooting MetaCPAN search results on the staging machine
- Had a discussion about a clean 02packages file for PAUSE
- Had a discussion about logistics for meta::hack v2 (when and where)
* Test::Smoke:
- lots of MSWin32 fixes
- Fix souce-sync-with-git
- merged some pull requests
- closed +/-10 tickets in RT
- started work on being 'no-dot-in-at-inc'-safe
- Thu
- Addressed an issue where CPAN::Common::Index is not fatpack friendly
- Fri
- Investigated Net-HTTP issue
- Now Menlo uses MetaCPAN V1 API
- Continued to address the issue for CPAN::Common::Index
- Talked with garu and jberger about how to integrate cpanminus/menlo with cpan testers
- Sat
- Created a tiny patch for perl5 CPAN-Upload-Tiny
- Created perl6 module CPAN-Uploader-Tiny
- Uploaded perl6 CPAN-Uploader-Tiny to CPAN by itself:)
- Implemented mi6 dist, mi6 upload commands
- Tried to reproduce a build failure of perl-5.26.0-RC1 in CentOS5
- Sun
- Can we use MetaCPAN instead of 06perm.txt to query PAUSE permissions?
- Uploaded App-Mi6 to CPAN under Perl6 subdirectory
- Worked on Minilla
- Talked with garu again about cpanminus/menlo and cpan testers
- What problem is at top priority? Which solutions are "realistic"?
- Released a new App-cpm which improves old perl support
(Non-chronological, non-exhaustive list:)
- Merged optimisation PRs and released new versions to CPAN
- Discussions with leont and mohawk about outstanding issues
- Closed RTs that have been already fixed
- added os_unsupported() function and tests
- Included new ExtUtils-Install in bundled modules
- Release engineering of three development releases
- tested development releases on multiple OS VMs, including Haiku, Solaris, Hurd, MidnightBSD, DragonflyBSD
- implemented support for x_use_unsafe_inc meta variable related to inc_without_dot
- Resolved several tickets and released new version to CPAN
- Merged PR for new feature
- Fixed potential security bug with can_run()
Perl Core:
- Assisted Sawyer with perl-5.26.0-RC1 release
- Testing of perl-5.26.0-RC1 on FreeBSD with 7 different compilers
CPAN Testers:
- Usual on-going monitoring of production testing environment
- Discussions with Doug and Garu regarding new test report formats/schema
- Submitting test reports to new end-point
Contributed in PAUSE/CPAN dists discussion
- Fixed the parsing of comments at the end of a document inYAML.pm6.
- Added an upload subcommand App::ModuleBuildTiny, so one doesn't need an external tool like cpan-upload anymore.
- Released a new version of CPAN::Upload::Tiny containing bug fixes by @aristotle and @skaji.
- Improved the static perl support of ExtUtils::HasCompiler, and released two development release to that effect.
- Added a workaround for an issue involving no-dot-in-@INC and sudo in Module::Build.
- Applied patches from @ether to Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PPPort adding a diagnostic if the code isn't compatible with the declared.
- Refactored the command language of Build::Graph to be simpler in basic usage, and added macros to make it more powerful in complicated usages.
Wendy van Dijk
- Went shopping every day, sometimes twice a day, for baguettes, croissants, fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat cuts, vegan stuff, cookies, nuts, juices, soda, tea, candy and other things.
- Spent several hours every day preparing the fruit and vegetables, and cleaning after the other people.
- Made sure the attendees could eat and drink healthy stuff whenever they wanted / needed, so they didn't have to go outside, and didn't have to go all at the same time for lunch somewhere (which would have been very time-consuming). Nicest comments: "I never eat as much fruit as during a meeting like this one, thank you."
- Attended a meeting to take notes, failed, nine took over, but I transcribed the notes and sent them to Todd.
- Took photos for use by neilb on twitter, etc.
- Discussed with Sawyer and uploaded some photos to the new perl events Instagram account:
- Blogged about said Instagram account to encourage others to get involved to promote more Perl events.
- Tested perl5.26 RC against our work stack, discovered a bug/feature in File::Spec::Unix that may need fixing before the final release.
- Upgraded the metacpan VM box and got to bottom of vagrant/virtualbox issue from that upgrade. VM is now shiny new, up to date, and can be built in a few minutes.
- Updated and released a couple of CPAN modules after a suggestion by ugexe.
- Wrote my Perl Conference talks.
Every day I dealt with organizational stuff (finding a doctor, organizing dinners, pointing to place where to buy Chartreuse, etc.). My toolchain contributions were limited, as I found it difficult to focus between all the organizational breaks.
I still managed to:
- open (add information about a distribution being packaged by a third party)
- pair with Mickey to work on it (Debian first, as I had done the mapping work last year in Rubgy), and once it was in, refactor the Debian specifics into a role
- pick up information regarding Cygwin from Laurent, and Fedora from another French Perl monger, so that I can make further PR adding more external packages information
- attend the discussion about how to run a Toolchain Summit
- Found a home for my pre-conference project to generate a git checkout of ALL of CPAN.
- Discussions with ANDK and others about the need for dist and distver to be a first class citizen in PAUSE.
- Discussion on CPAN::DistnameInfo and tarball naming edge-cases with Neilb, Mickey, Karen, and Sawyer
- Discussions about the . in @INC changes made this year.
- Attended the discussion about how to run a Toolchain Summit.
Tuesday/Wednesday: Discussed plans with atoomic and decided to create a prototype for a CPAN checkout. He was going to build a dancer front end to my CPAN git repo. Met with Leo (Ranguard) and got an offer to host our work at At this point I had a first checkout of CPAN based on the contents of 02packages.details.txt. But it was clear that my ability to parse the file and convert tar balls to distros was immature.
I was introduced to DistnameInfo">CPAN::DistnameInfo. As I understand things, this is a result of the code used by to convert 02packages.details.txt into dist names and dist versions.
Initially I planned to make significant changes to the module to get Dist Name and Dist Version to come back more reliably. There are tarballs that do not behave correctly. I opened some of these bugs with PAUSE for removal from the index:
The problem with DistnameInfo is that it gives back versions which are not parseable by version->parse. I wanted DistnameInfo to give back readable versions. This required significant changes to CPAN::DistnameInfo and in effect stripped useful information that the module was giving back. What I realized was that I need to treat the version as a "RPM version" where I do a string comparison of each section of the version like this
- kept on porting PAUSE using Mojolicious framework, with kind encouragement from Andreas (development went on under my private repository while I was moving things around and code was too messy; I pushed stuff to GitHub on Saturday). This includes splitting one big controller into several controllers and plugins, moving out embedded XHTML/email outputs to separate templates, and writing two monkey patches to let Mojolicious render XHTML and parse query string separated by ";" correctly, to name a few.
- asked jberger for his advice about better Mojolicious practice to render emails.
- removed some of the PAUSE's old features (message management for PAUSE admin etc) and conditions (such as png is available or not) from the Mojolicious branch after brief discussion with Andreas.
- fixed an old PAUSE issue about Web UI and 06perms introduced a few years ago by the deletion of module registration.
- implemented a new CPANTS metric called main_module_version_matches_dist_version (which replaced package_version_matches_dist_version) , thanks to Karen.
- discussed CPAN::Common::Index issues et al with skaji.
- attended a few other group discussions.
- Thursday
- Fixed Devel::PPPort for dot-in-inc with perl-5.26.x
- Wrote - to parse cpantesters reports and generate cpanfiles so you can try to reproduce problems using a similar install
- Friday
- Smoke tested PPI current and the planned (now released!) PPI release on tons of versions of perl
- Attended dot-in-inc meeting
- Played with cpanm-reporter a bit, filed minor diagnostics fix
- Saturday
- ! Rewrote my distribution-smoke project and plan to continue it forward. This allows you to easily test modules against modules that depend on them. Was used by Mithaldu to test PPI for release
- Sunday
- Spent more time on p5-distribution-smoke, discussing it with Mithaldu, making future plans
- Ran a quick discussion about p5p or toolchain taking over Devel::PPPort. I have more work on this front to do.
* finished last year's redesign and launched the new with ranguard
* adapted the meta::cpan logo to grep::cpan
* helped atoomic with some CSS for grep::cpan
* did an HTML prototype for the CPAN river
* worked on design variations for 06perms with neil and oalders
* worked on design variations for distro status on metacpan with haarg
* edited the event video
* worked on implementing last year's redesign of
version 90 saved on 20/05/17 14:42 by Breno Oliveira (garu)
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