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Perl QA Hackathon 2014

March 13-16, 2014 in Lyon

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Perl QA Hackathon 2014

March 13-16, 2014
in Lyon, France

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March 13-16, 2014
in Lyon, France

This page is dedicated to reporting what has been done day by day during the event.

Thursday 13th March

Tim Bunce:

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎):

  • Added parallel testing support to p5's Makefile for valgrind testing (test.valgrind)
  • Add deparse testing support to p5's Makefile for smoking deparse (test.deparse)
  • Played around with a Configure -i flag (ignore/rm Policy.sh and config.sh)
    • Talked to H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) about ./Configure with cached data. More is needed here, perhaps for now though separate out the functionality to another shell/Perl script so it can be improved in the future without touching Configure. Might play with this later.
  • Added patch to update doc or fix code for hv_iterinit
  • Fixed Devel::Cover to work with 5.20 and later 5.19.Xs.
  • PPI review for Christian Walde (‎Mithaldu‎)
  • Took a look at test.porting supporting parallel tests.
    • It already does!
  • Bugged Tim Bunce to give me github access to Memcached::libmemcached

Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

  • opensource released some Tapper libs
  • TAP::DOM release 0.11
    • assume TAP version 13 by default
    • generate TAP from TAP::DOM
  • Data::DPath release 0.50
    • small optimization

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • showed everyone where the toilets were
  • discussion with TIMB about Test::Database

Friday 14th March

Tim Bunce:

  • More DBI::Test code refinements and design discussions with Jens Rehsack (‎Sno‎) and ribasushi +1, especially around the test variant generator.
  • About ready to start working on extracting and releasing Data::Tumbler and Test::WriteVariants as new distributions on CPAN.
  • Discussed the problems of packagers (eg rpm creators) determining dependencies for compiled perl extension.
  • Proposed an extension to the META spec as an appropriate way to capture the required information and build tooling around it.

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎)

  • Memcached::libmemcached
    • Updated META_MERGE a bit (change bugtracker, include repo url)
    • Check pending tickets for work / clean up bug queue. Most seem stalled on more user input
    • Release ! (Includes fixes for floop-parallel-all)
  • bisected/https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=121437reported "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" with here doc in regexop
  • File bug about B::Deparse not handling newlines in (?{...}) regex constructs

Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎)

  • Arriving late...
  • Digged into Module::CPANTS::Analyse and Module::CPANTS::SiteKwalitee. I discussed with charsbar and he gave me tips to continue my quests of reporting tickets on distributions that bundle MYMETA.*: I was using grep.cpan.me so far, I will now use http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/kwalitee/no_mymeta_files
  • In the evening, followed an interesting discussion about how to improve automated packaging by adding metadata to META.json. Jen, Andreas, Tim Bunce have planned to further work on that tomorrow.

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • was interviewed with NEILB by SJN about gamification of CPAN
  • did some work on Test::Database
  • talked with NEILB about our gamification of CPAN project

Saturday 15th March

Tim Bunce:

  • Released Data::Tumbler and Test::WriteVariants to CPAN.
  • Contributed to the design discussions around extending the META spec for packagers.
  • Updated the DBI::Test prototype to use the new Test::WriteVariants module.

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎):

  • Update test.valgrind patch to remove previous output otherwise it would interfere
    • Noticed valgrind patches abandon work done by previous work of others. Need to reconsider/rewrite.
  • Work on getting a base testing setup for Devel::PPPort work. Lots of hacking/fighting with various


Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

  • completed reviewing and polishing of literally 2 non-mythical man years of Tapper git history
    • in a way that allows coming back to a more "early and often" release cycle
    • some approved libs already published
    • prepared changelog

Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎)

  • Investigated the issue of `$!` not being properly encoded on non-ASCII locales
    • Checked how `setlocale()` and `strerror()` work on Windows to verify if the issue applies here: it doesn't. Note that `setlocale()` works quite differently from Unix. For example, it doesn't use environment variables (LC_*) at all
    • Got help from Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) who found that the issue is at least partially (only for UTF-8 locales) in blead
  • Persued in locales world on Windows to fix `use open qw< :locale :std >;` on that platform. Patch for encoding::_get_locale_encoding() in progress
  • Followed discussions:
  • Managed to kill the screen of my laptop by dropping it in the stairs when going to sleep. :'(

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

Sunday 16th March

Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • opened the door (took about 3 hours)

Tim Bunce:

version 31 saved on 16/03/14 17:38 by Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎)

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This page is dedicated to reporting what has been done day by day during the event.

Thursday 13th March

Tim Bunce:

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎):

  • Added parallel testing support to p5's Makefile for valgrind testing (test.valgrind)
  • Add deparse testing support to p5's Makefile for smoking deparse (test.deparse)
  • Played around with a Configure -i flag (ignore/rm Policy.sh and config.sh)
    • Talked to H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) about ./Configure with cached data. More is needed here, perhaps for now though separate out the functionality to another shell/Perl script so it can be improved in the future without touching Configure. Might play with this later.
  • Added patch to update doc or fix code for hv_iterinit
  • Fixed Devel::Cover to work with 5.20 and later 5.19.Xs.
  • PPI review for Christian Walde (‎Mithaldu‎)
  • Took a look at test.porting supporting parallel tests.
    • It already does!
  • Bugged Tim Bunce to give me github access to Memcached::libmemcached

Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

  • opensource released some Tapper libs
  • TAP::DOM release 0.11
    • assume TAP version 13 by default
    • generate TAP from TAP::DOM
  • Data::DPath release 0.50
    • small optimization

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • showed everyone where the toilets were
  • discussion with TIMB about Test::Database

Friday 14th March

Tim Bunce:

  • More DBI::Test code refinements and design discussions with Jens Rehsack (‎Sno‎) and ribasushi +1, especially around the test variant generator.
  • About ready to start working on extracting and releasing Data::Tumbler and Test::WriteVariants as new distributions on CPAN.
  • Discussed the problems of packagers (eg rpm creators) determining dependencies for compiled perl extension.
  • Proposed an extension to the META spec as an appropriate way to capture the required information and build tooling around it.

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎)

  • Memcached::libmemcached
    • Updated META_MERGE a bit (change bugtracker, include repo url)
    • Check pending tickets for work / clean up bug queue. Most seem stalled on more user input
    • Release ! (Includes fixes for floop-parallel-all)
  • bisected/https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=121437reported "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" with here doc in regexop
  • File bug about B::Deparse not handling newlines in (?{...}) regex constructs

Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎)

  • Arriving late...
  • Digged into Module::CPANTS::Analyse and Module::CPANTS::SiteKwalitee. I discussed with charsbar and he gave me tips to continue my quests of reporting tickets on distributions that bundle MYMETA.*: I was using grep.cpan.me so far, I will now use http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/kwalitee/no_mymeta_files
  • In the evening, followed an interesting discussion about how to improve automated packaging by adding metadata to META.json. Jen, Andreas, Tim Bunce have planned to further work on that tomorrow.

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • was interviewed with NEILB by SJN about gamification of CPAN
  • did some work on Test::Database
  • talked with NEILB about our gamification of CPAN project

Saturday 15th March

Tim Bunce:

  • Released Data::Tumbler and Test::WriteVariants to CPAN.
  • Contributed to the design discussions around extending the META spec for packagers.
  • Updated the DBI::Test prototype to use the new Test::WriteVariants module.

Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎):

  • Update test.valgrind patch to remove previous output otherwise it would interfere
    • Noticed valgrind patches abandon work done by previous work of others. Need to reconsider/rewrite.
  • Work on getting a base testing setup for Devel::PPPort work. Lots of hacking/fighting with various


Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

  • completed reviewing and polishing of literally 2 non-mythical man years of Tapper git history
    • in a way that allows coming back to a more "early and often" release cycle
    • some approved libs already published
    • prepared changelog

Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎)

  • Investigated the issue of `$!` not being properly encoded on non-ASCII locales
    • Checked how `setlocale()` and `strerror()` work on Windows to verify if the issue applies here: it doesn't. Note that `setlocale()` works quite differently from Unix. For example, it doesn't use environment variables (LC_*) at all
    • Got help from Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎) who found that the issue is at least partially (only for UTF-8 locales) in blead
  • Persued in locales world on Windows to fix `use open qw< :locale :std >;` on that platform. Patch for encoding::_get_locale_encoding() in progress
  • Followed discussions:
  • Managed to kill the screen of my laptop by dropping it in the stairs when going to sleep. :'(

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

Sunday 16th March

Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎):

Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎):

  • opened the door (took about 3 hours)

Tim Bunce:

version 31 saved on 16/03/14 17:38 by Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎)

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