Discussion agenda
Please don't schedule stuff yourself. If you have ideas, add it to the parking lot list at the end. Thank you. – David Golden (xdg)
All discussions will take place around lunchtime so we can talk while we eat and not lose too much valuable coding time. Exact details will be communicated on Thursday morning.
Tentative schedule:
Thursday, April 16
CPAN Governance
- specifics TBD
Friday, April 17
CPAN Security
- SSL for CPAN? For BackPAN?
- Eliminate mirrors and rely on central CDN?
- Central/SSL only for checksum files?
- Add per-dist checksums for BackPAN?
- Fix PAUSE password length/storage?
Saturday, April 18
PAUSE (non-security related)
- Draft a formal upload or indexing policy? (E.g. must have license to be indexed)
- Draft a formal takedown policy?
- Allow fast deletion?
- Require META file for indexing?
- Write PAUSE2 for -Omaintainable?
META spec
- Do we need a META v3?
Sunday, April 19
- no discussions planned
Parking lot (topics to be scheduled)
- (your ideas here)
version 2 saved on 09/04/15 23:06 by David Golden (xdg)
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