- Made AIX send its smoke-reports to the database (train-work with Abe Timmerman (abeltje)
- backported Configure-related commits from CORE to Metaconfig
- fix smokers that stalled
- merge stalled commits from metaconfig
- analyze new open.t fails for PERLIO=stdio (with Leon Timmermans (leont))
Karen Etheridge (Ether)
- released Module-Install-1.20 which removes Module::Install::DSL (and 1.21, to fix the errors I introduced in 1.20)
- fixed https://github.com/karenetheridge/misc/blob/master/install/generic/bin/pause-cleanup to not delete .readme, .meta files associated with distributions that still have indexed modules, and handle multiple releases on a single version with different distribution names
- patched for Module::Metadata to support `class` syntax: https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Module-Metadata/pull/38 -- released as Module-Metadata-1.000038
- started on a patch to Catalyst::Devel to remove use of Module::Install
- released ExtUtils-Manifest-1.74 to include more MANIFEST.SKIP patterns
- released some distributions to remove the use of Module::Install::DSL:
* File-Find-Rule-PPI-1.07
* File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.09
Paul Evans (LeoNerd)
- (group discussion) achieved a new wording for toolchain perl version requirements - https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/toolchain-site/pull/11
Julien Fiegehenn (simbabque)
- participated in discussions about MetaCPAN UI improvements
- released WWW-Mechanize-2.17. Mechanize is now completely perltidied and runs tidyall tests on PRs
- worked on https://github.com/libwww-perl/libwww-perl/pull/420 to get it into mergeable state
- added tests to https://github.com/libwww-perl/libwww-perl/pull/73 and found and fixed a connection cache related bug in LWP with https://github.com/libwww-perl/libwww-perl/pull/424