Perl Toolchain Summit Results
Thu 2018-04-19
- Completed work for the Test2 Manual grant. This does not mean the manual is complete, but it does mean all goals of the grant have been completed.
- Discuss potential yath plugin for Dist::Zilla with Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Discuss yath log files being attached to cpan-testers reports with Doug Bell (preaction)
Fri 2018-04-20
- Work on Test2, Test2::Suite and Test2::Harness to pave the way for Test2::Harness::UI
- Discuss potentially renaming yath with Sawyer X (Sawyer X) (No action at this time)
- Assist Todd Rinaldo (toddr) with yath questions for his codebase
Sat 2018-04-21
- Remember where I left off on Test2-Harness-UI and bring it to a working demoable state. I demonstrated it to select individuals at the PTS.
- Discuss cpan-testers implications of yath logs with Breno Oliveira (garu)
Sun 2018-04-22
- Add the `yath ui` command to launch a standalone instance of Test2::Harness::UI on a single log file. Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (miyagawa) assisted with some Plack questions for this command.
Thu 2018-04-19
- Devel::PPPort : discuss, amend documentation, test on 126 versions of perl (5.6.1 .. 5.27.10), integrate into CORE
- PR for Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee (skip files in MANIFEST.SKIP)
- general hints and helps regarding Configure
- Streamline Configure/Metaconfig issues with Aaron Crane (arc)
- System::Info changes for Breno Oliveira (garu) and Abe Timmerman (abeltje)
Fri 2018-04-20
- Left rakudobrew for direct perl6 and zef builds and prompter timings
- Big discussion on dual-life modules
- Discussion on including local::lib to CORE
- Verify David Golden (xdg)'s manual for PAUSE by installing PAUSE locally, setting it up and verifying all works
- Build/test/install perl-5.27.11 on laptop and dromedary + some basic module testing
Sat 2018-04-21
- Test Devel::PPPort-3.4* on many XS modules and many perl versions
- Discussion on tooling for up-river authors (The Berlin Consensus + Release::Checklist)
- Evaluating changes in MetaCPAN::Client, alter dashboard scripts to use latest and discuss issues with the metacpan team
- Test utf8-c8 inside CSV for perl6 (Stefan Seifert (Nine))
Sun 2018-04-22
- Re-install perl6 from scratch and test zef (help from Stefan Seifert (Nine) and Nick Logan (ugexe))
- Deep-test new Storable back till 5.6.1 and commit changes to core
- Install Module::Release in my test farm on dromedary for all p5p developers to use
Thu 2018-04-19
- Discovered that the README for setting up a private PAUSE for testing was out of date
- Learned how to install and configure mysql and nginx via macports
- Learned how to configure a private PAUSE on my laptop (with generous help from Kenichi Ishigaki (charsbar))
- Updated the README based on my findings, including how to turn off TLS to run with just plackup and no reverse proxy
- Added reCAPTCHA client code for PAUSE's request_id page, protected by a feature flag
- Added server-side code for PAUSE to validate reCAPTCHA responses, except for the actual new user registration when it validates
- Uploaded new Types::Path::Tiny with fixed test files
Fri 2018-04-20
- Studied PAUSE user registration codepaths
- Factored out sending PAUSE one-time password email
- Factored out sending PAUSE welcome emails
- Wired up PAUSE for directly adding users with recaptcha
- Submitted PAUSE PR for recaptcha work
- Discussed ideas with Rik for a "permissions manager" for PAUSE to ease the transition to adding an Admin level
Sat 2018-04-21
- Updated PAUSE README based on Tux's feedback
- Discussed with charsbar how to integrate changes to PAUSE given his work to convert PAUSE to mojolicious
- Implemented recaptcha daily rate limiting
- Created RECAPTCHA account on PAUSE for tracking user approval
- Worked with Andreas and Charsbar to get recaptcha ready for deployment on mojo branch
- Started PAUSE permissions manager class and started refactoring perms queries to it
- Fixed bug #5 for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OSPrereqs && shipped 0.009
- Applied PR to Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersionAfterRelease && shipped 0.018
- Removed File::Slurp from personal scripts and released Task::BeLike::DAGOLDEN 1.011.
Sun 2018-04-22
- Finished PAUSE permission SQL refactoring
- Released Capture::Tiny 0.048 from trial version from 2017 (!!)
- Merged PR for TAP::Harness::Restricted and shipped 0.004
- Merged PR for Time::Tiny and shipped 1.08
- Merged PR for DateTime::Tiny and shipped 1.07
- Merged PR for CPAN meta index generation
- Transferred Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl to PREACTION
- Merged 2 PRs for HTTP::Tiny and shipped HTTP-Tiny-0.71-TRIAL
- Fixed Data::GUID::Any for . in @ INC
Thu 2018-04-19
Thu 2018-04-19
- Created 5 Pull requests:
- Looked at a problem reported by Ribasushi regarding testing with libasan enabled but wasn't able to create a libasan compiled perl after several attempts
- Started to make an overview of how numbers are serialized with all existing perl JSON/YAML processors
Fri 2018-04-20
Sat 2018-04-21
- Found some other issues with
- Working on YAML::LoadBlessed
- Loading !!perl/glob objects actually allows setting any package variable, so this is also a reason to not load untrusted YAML with, as long as there is no possibility to disable it.
- Sat together with Kenichi and Joel and discussed booleans. Created a first draft of on github.
Sun 2018-04-22
- Fixed a bug in YAML::PP regarding Inf/NaN reported by Slaven Rezic (cpantesters++). I enabled travis-ci
- Changed my draft after discussing with Kenichi
- Had to leave way too early
Thu 2018-04-19
- Merged and released HTTP::Tiny PRs
- Released MetaCPAN download_uri API support for cpanm
- Menlo repo split is split from cpanminus repo, and then back again to cpanminus repo with subdirectories
- Removed cpanm guts and made it a shim for Menlo backend, to avoid maintaining two codebases forever
- Updated the tools to generate cpanm fatpack library
Fri 2018-04-20
- Shipped cpanm 1.8 trial that has the new Menlo-based cpanm executable
- Support `dist` keyword in cpanfile and cpanm/Menlo
Sat 2018-04-21
- Support x_use_unsafe_inc CPAN Meta experiment in cpanm/Menlo
- Documented and tested the use of dist keywords in Carton and Carmel
- Started supporting CPAN distroprefs or alike in cpanm/Menlo
Sati 2018-04-21
- Fixed Win32 shell quoting in Menlo
- Updated Menlo's static builder to follow the latest static builder spec. Also make it work out of the box without requiring additional modules.
- Updated Carton to use Menlo instead of App::cpanminus::fatscript
- Support saving module options in Module::CPANfile
Thu 2018-04-19
Fri 2018-04-20
- Released perl 5.27.11
- Discussion on dual-life modules (with results!)
- Discussion on local::lib
Sat 2018-04-21
- Storable 3.09 released!
- Devel::PPPort 3.40 released!
- Discussion on expectations and testing of high upstream modules.
Thu 2018-04-19
Fri 2018-04-20
Thu 2018-04-19
- Devel::PPPort discussion (arc, ilmari, leont, sawyer, Tux, me)
- provided a fix to an installation issue in Ref::Util
- released File-Temp-0.2305-TRIAL (Win32 taint fixes) and merged/closed a bunch of pull requests
- released Mac-SystemDirectory-0.11-TRIAL and 0.12-TRIAL (darwin gcc fixes)
- released Test-Pod-1.52 (added *.psgi to the search list)
- released Task-Weaken-1.06 (fixed dynamic prereqs for Scalar::Util)
- submitted PRs:
Fri 2018-04-20
- group discussion on best practices on handling dual-life module maintenance
- released File-ShareDir-Install-0.12
- group discussion on possibly putting local::lib into core
- merged
- released a new strictures, for warnings categories added in 5.28
- improved travis testing for Sub-Name, Scalar-List-Utils
- discussed a cpan module security list for handling vulnerabilities
Sat 2018-04-21
- released Sub-Name-0.24-TRIAL
- group discussion on Tux's release checklist document (
- patched blead with a fix to remove a bad entry from Module::CoreList
- submitted - amend FCR's prereqs
- submitted - remove use of Path::Tiny in tests
- released Test-NoTabs-2.02 (stable version of a previous -TRIAL)
- released B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24 (stable version of a previous -TRIAL)
- released Sub-Name-0.25-TRIAL
- released Safe-Isa-1.000009 (haarg's patch: fixes for does/DOES)
- reviewed many potential changes with Ricardo Signes (rjbs) for Dist::Zilla (v7? who knows!)
Sun 2018-04-22
- released File-ShareDir-Install-0.13 (re-instate testrules.yml for serialized tests)
- released Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Contributors-0.033, 0.034 (fixes for upcoming Dist::Zilla v7)
- created
- merged and released URI-1.74
- looked into what things still use Module::Install::DSL that will be broken in 5.29.x -- nothing important (phew)
Fri 2018-04-20
- Fix `zef upgrade ...` exit code
- Review, discuss, and merge (Zef::)System::Query PR into zef
- Release zef v0.2.5
- Review, discuss, and merge PR for App::ecogen to generate ecosystems with both meta-version 0 and 1
- Rework zef identity grammar, and have zef ignore native dependencies (:from<native>) so in the future this feature can be safely used by the ecosystem without requiring all consumers download a new version of zef.
Sat 2018-04-21
- Added additional tests to Zef::System::Query
- Remove Zef::Distribution::DEPRECATED shim
- Discuss and review OpenAPI-based CompUnit::Repository implementation of recommendation manager functionality
- Release zef v0.2.6
Fri 2018-04-20
- fixed a test issue with recent Gits in Git-Repository
- discussed including Act participation information into MetaCPAN author pages
- cut the lasagna, and later, the 10 years anniversary cake
Sat 2018-04-21
- pushed the conference participation script
- obtained and startred looking at Neil's CPAN river script, to include it in MetaCPAN
- helped keep everyone fed and happy (and cut more lasagna)
Sun 2018-04-22
- looked at adding support for dualvars in Data::Printer with garu
- Fixed a few bugs in MetaCPAN (search, indexing scripts, etc.)
- Added a selectable distribution name to the pod page (leftbar)
- Rebuilt contributor data index and deployed a new cron to keep it updated
- Created new endpoints for River data fetching
- Created new data collection script, new ES index and new API endpoints for cpancover data
- (w/Joel) Upgraded Minion + Set up Minion admin for MetaCPAN
- Created new author pages split by uploads, favorites and contribution info to support new tabified view that will replace the existing busy page
- Fixed a warning/bug in MetaCPAN::Client (release 2.024000), related to JSON::Boolean numeric comparison while loading Cpanel::JSON::XS (reported by TODDR and identified with the help of ISHIGAKI)
- Added support for cpancover info fetching to MetaCPAN::Client (release 2.025000)
- Assisted with indexing related issues debugging (Storable, etc.)
- Investigated (w/TODDR) a 'latest' status discrepancy in the 'release' index - to be followed up on very soon
- Held discussions with the MetaCPAN team re next objectives and Meta::Hack
- Fixed bugs in Test::Smoke
- log/out-files were no longer sent to the CoreSmokeDB server
- Older MSWin32 were not able to use the new API for suppressing debug pop-ups
- tests could not be run in parallel
- the fake fallback didn't work, moved to a legit helper module that now gets used
- picked up a feature/pull request for masking the actual hostname in the reports (uname -n)
- Almost ready for version 1.73
Thu 2018-04-19
- Cleaned up make.nqp's git history and fixed detection of changes to source files.
- Made a lot of progress on a MoarVM issue with backtraces and inlined frames.
- Discussed native dependencies with Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)
- Dug out where we left off last year and discussed further steps with user:tony-o and Nick Logan (ugexe)
Fri 2018-04-20
- Prepared the switch to meta-version 1 in our toolchain by implementing a downgrade of META data for old projects.json while leaving the new as projects1.json.
Sat 2018-04-21
- Implemented injecting a build dependency for the builder class into old projects.json for generic support.
- Implemented support for Distribution::Builder as specified by S22 in zef. Have it install the requested builder module before trying to build.
- Added support for make-target to Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON and fixed a newline issue when setting variables from output of external commands.
- Helped H.Merijn Brand (Tux) debug a utf8-c8 issue in Text::CSV.
Sun 2018-04-22
- Added support for Distribution::Builder in zef's build action.
- Ported downgrading of META data to the script that's still in use for the git based ecosystem.
- Fixed an issue in Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON when zef is not run from the module directory.
- Ported Inline::Python to meta-version 1 and published as the first distro to use the Distribution::Builder
I watched as Joel put together a queue system for cpancover. This will
eventuality allow us to generate coverage data for a modue as soon as it is
uploaded. I need to finalise some work to ensure that jobs of different types
can run together concurrently without bad things happening but I hope to have
this live soon.
I gazed in awe as Aaron navigated the perl core and came up with a solution to
allow coverage of top-level statements in modules. Now, it's true that it
doesn't /quite/ work, but it is very close to being almost there, and that's
far closer than anything I had previously be able to achieve. I will continue
to build on what Aaron has created and we'll see what happens.
I cheered as Mickey wrote code to allow metacpan to read coverage data from
cpancover and make it available via its API. This will eventually allow us to
get coverage data added to the metacpan UI.
I discussed the potential for redesigning cpancover with Babs. Actually, it
will only be designing, not redesigning, unless Babs does it twice. The hidden
agenda here is that the design will also make its way into the (new) HTML
report for Devel::Cover.
I discussed the possibility of sending coverage data as part of Test::Reporter
with Garu. This would allow coverage reports specific to perl versions and
environments and could eventually allow us to combine coverage data from runs
on disparate environments. There is a lot of potential here, and it's not the
first time this has been discussed at a PTS, but at at least the initial path
forward seems reasonably clear now.
For the last few months cpancover had not been processing new modules. My
retention policy had been to store and make available all coverage data I had
ever generated. Coverage data is usually lots of small files and I managed to
use up all the inodes on the partition I was using to store the data. I have
now implemented a retention policy where data for the last three releases is
kept available and older data is archived. So cpancover should now be
processing new releases again.
I also did lots of other bits and bobs which aren't worth individually noting,
and I also failed to do lots of things which I had unrealistically hoped to be
able to get done.
Hearty thanks to everyone who made all this work possible and sorry for
breaking for formatting convention.
Thu 2018-04-19
* with Ricardo: Permission bug on PAUSE reconstruction and discussion
* with Ricardo: refactorings on mldistwatch
* applied patches for pause from Karen and Aaron
* with Karen and Kenichi: configuring travis for newer ubuntu
Fri 2018-04-20
* with Kenichi: PAUSE dual deployment for both plack and mojolicious
* with David and Ricardo: discussing about changing case
* with Tux: discuss bootstrapping for a new perl
Sat 2018-04-21
* with David and Kenichi: deployment and testing of recaptcha guarded registration
* with Garu: exchanging musings on CPAN::Reporter and delivery of arbitrary data to cpantesters
Sun 2018-04-22
* with Kenichi: finishing up the last steps to PAUSE on Mojolicious
* with Todd: discussing a potential new feature in could be to warn when there is a potential for downgrades during an install
* with Babs: talking design and helping with access
Thu 2018-04-19
- Configure: sync blead and metaconfig
- Configure: pull-request queue
Fri 2018-04-20
- Group discussions
- Devel::Cover for top-level module code
Sat 2018-04-21
Sun 2018-04-22
- Devel::Cover for top-level module code
- Fixed Data::Dumper on Perl 5.8
version 63 saved on 27/04/18 15:47 by Olaf Alders (oalders)
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